K. Kim, Harvard, Class of 2028
Admission Masters has played a pivotal role in my college application process. When I first started, I had no sense of direction with my major and activities. However, I was able to receive substantial help from all the experienced, hardworking counselors. I worked with the best counselors, who introduced me to so many diverse clubs/activities/academic award opportunities, and helped me develop a personalized approach to the application process, which made it much less overwhelming. I really made use of all the services and opportunities they offered, specifically the open sessions to receive extra help on my essays/application. Specifically, I’d like to thank Counselors Jenny, Jay, Vincent, and Justin. C. Jenny gave me abundant support and guidance on my UC PIQs, CA Personal Statement, and activities; she introduced me to the AM Research Program where I was able to work with a Cambridge PhD student to craft and publish my own research paper. C. Jenny is always quick to answer questions and eager to offer all the help I need. She has been of utmost support academically and beyond! C. Jay is the best essay coach. He’s taught me so much beyond just becoming a better writer. He has high expectations for his students and always motivates me to constantly improve. He’s extremely dedicated and helps his students even in his free time, offering extra essay help multiple days per week which I took advantage of. C. Vincent was my Media Club advisor and was always there to help. He always gave me such helpful feedback on my essays and prepared me very well for my interviews! Our mock interviews definitely helped me, and he is always quick to answer any questions and offer encouragement. C. Justin introduced me to my major, and also helped me find numerous activities/courses ideas that better aligned with my interests. I’m so grateful that I had AM by my side!
T. Kim, Stanford (SCEA), USC (EA), Brown PLME, UPitt BSMD Class of 2028
Counselors Jenny and Vincent are the greatest of all time. In fact, some might say they're better than Kobe and Shaq. I seriously could not have gotten through college application season without Jenny's guidance or Vincent's essay revisions. I lived and breathed in the AM office hours all of first semester, and I can now look back and say it was an extremely valuable time. Not only did I get the feedback I was seeking, but I inadvertently became a better writer and learned to communicate my thoughts more clearly. This process of sharing my thoughts and ideas with the counselors also helped me strengthen my interview skills, which was crucial to my BSMD acceptances. Overall, just two really awesome human beings and I couldn't have asked for anyone better.
GT O. Palo Alto High School, UC Berkeley, Class of 2028
이 지역의 쟁쟁한 학생들과는 달리 저희 아이는 학업과는 다른 길을 가고 있었습니다. 그래서 많은 카운셀러와 상담을 해 봤지만, 선뜻 믿음이 가는 곳이 없었기에 결정을 못하고 있었습니다. 그러던 중, 우연히 Admission Masters 알게 되었고, Jay 선생님과의 첫 미팅에서 마음을 정할 수 있었습니다. 선생님의 진심을 보았고 믿을 수 있었기 떄문입니다. 아이에게 힘든시기에도 선생님이 계셨기에 잘 극복할 수 있었고, 부모가 가질 입시에 대한 걱정과 짐을 덜 수 있었습니다. 여기저기 휘둘리지 않고, 질문이 있을 때 바로 선생님께 연락을 하면, 항상 빠르고 현명한 조언을 보내주셨습니다. 제가 아이를 키우면서 여러학원을 전전하고 많은 기대와 실망 그리고 포기를 반복했는데, 아이의 입시 관련 선택 중 제일 잘한 것은 Admission Masters와 함께 한 것이었습니다. Jay선생님을 포함해 도움을 주신 Admission Masters 모든 선생님들께 다시 한번 진심으로 감사드립니다.
C. Kim - USC (Presidential Scholarship + Viterbi School of Engineering Scholarship,Class of 2026
During my high school experience, Counselor Jenny has been an amazing mentor, aiding me in navigating obstacles, exploring diverse academic realms, and ultimately making informed choices regarding college. Her unwavering support and belief in my abilities have propelled me to achieve milestones that once seemed insurmountable. Throughout my time in high school, Counselor Jenny has been by my side, offering guidance and encouragement as I tackled new challenges and pursued my passions. With her support, I've taken on leadership roles, founded my own small business, and participated in enriching summer programs that have expanded my horizons and shaped my aspirations. Counselor Jenny's impact extends beyond just academic achievements. She actively contributes to fostering a culture of care and dedication at Admissions Masters, facilitating an environment where students like me can thrive holistically. Her mentorship has not only equipped me with the academic skills necessary for success but has also nurtured my personal growth, enabling me to forge meaningful connections with teachers, peers, and mentors alike. Whether I faced academic struggles or personal challenges, Counselor Jenny was always there to lend a compassionate ear and offer guidance. Knowing that I could turn to her for advice and encouragement has been a comforting constant in my high school years, and I am deeply grateful for her unwavering kindness and encouragement. As I prepare for the next chapter of my journey—college—I am filled with gratitude and excitement. Thanks to Counselor Jenny's guidance, I am equipped with the confidence and skills needed to embrace internships, research opportunities, and all the challenges and experiences that college will bring. I am eager to carry the lessons and insights she has imparted into this new phase of my life, confident that I am well-prepared to seize the opportunities that await me!
Ethan Wei, Brown, Northwestern Accepted, Class of 2026
As someone originally skeptical about the college consulting industry as a whole, I can wholeheartedly say that I was wrong after my experience with Admissions Masters. I met with Counselor Jenny as a junior, after being unimpressed with all of the other counselors I met. It was clear from the beginning that she had much more insight and was willing to help so much more. I left our first meeting with a clear audit of what my strengths and weaknesses were for college admissions, as well as how I could potentially improve my chances. Bear in mind, this was before I was a client! Unsurprisingly, my parents and I decided to enlist Admissions Masters' help for my college applications. Throughout the process, I was surprised at how much Jenny knew about me after just a few meetings, as well as how helpful her essay critiques and ideas were. At some points, bouncing ideas off her felt like bouncing ideas off a version of myself, but with an understanding of what works from an admissions officer's standpoint. A lot of my success with college admissions can be attributed to her and her team, and I would gladly recommend their services to anyone looking to present the best version of themselves to colleges.
Emma Kim, UC Berkeley, Class of 2026
Admission Masters has helped me out so much right from the start. They are able to find opportunities for internships, research projects, service, summer programs, and a ton more. I would've never even searched for some of the things I became involved in, but thanks to AM I was able to enjoy the enriching experience of various extracurriculars, projects, and internships. In terms of classes, they really pushed me to be at my fullest potential. I was hesitant about taking some of the harder AP classes, but I was encouraged by them to do so and I ended up doing extremely well in all of my classes. I would like to thank Counselor Jason, Counselor Vincent, and Counselor Tyler in particular. Counselor Jason helped me a ton with a huge experimental research project I had going on, along with getting me involved in a bunch of other things. Counselor Vincent was my senior counselor, and he helped me figure out college apps, promptly answering my many questions about applications. Counselor Tyler helped me with my essays, and she was extremely kind and fun to work with. I strongly recommend Admission Masters for anyone who wants to go to their dream school.
David Lee, Brea Olinda HS, Pomona College, Class of 2025
안녕하세요, 지나 원장님 DAVID의 학교를 결정하게 되어서 원장님께 전합니다. 바쁜 부모를 대신해서 애써주신 원장님과 카운슬러 선생님들의 보살핌 덕분에 최악의 입시라는 CLASS OF 2025 임에도 불구하고 좋은 학교에서 많은 합격 통지를 받았습니다.POMONA COLLEGE, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, UCD, BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON UNIV., PEPPERDINE, OCCIDENTAL 등 저희가 기대했던것 이상으로 REACH부터 MATCH, SAFETY 학교들까지 골고루 좋은 결과를 얻게 되어서 다시 한번 ADMISSION MASTERS에 감사를 드립니다. DAVID은 POMONA COLLEGE로 가기로 결정했습니다. 무엇보다 미국 학교 시스템에 무지했던 저를 이해시키시며 아이에게 맞는 좋은 학교를 선택을 할수 있도록 아낌없는 조언과 관심, 그리고 ADMISSION MASTER만의 시스템으로 이끌어주셨기에 POMONA COLLEGE와 같은 좋은 학교에 합격할수 있게 된것 같습니다. 대학원 진학등 아직 가야할 길이 먼데, 아이의 대학 과정과 대학원 진학때까지도 함께 해주시며 도움을 주실수 있다하셔서 안심이 됩니다. ADMISSION MASTERS의 지나 원장님과 DAVID이 그 어느 선생님보다 믿고 따랐던 JASON 선생님외 여러 카운슬러 선생님들이 계셔서 아이의 힘든 고등학교 시간동안 멘토링의 역할을 책임져 주셨기 때문에 제가 아이를 믿고 맡길수 있었고, 이번 어려운 입시 가운데서도 좋은 결과를 얻게 되었습니다. 다시 한번 감사드리며, 늘 건강하시기를 바랍니다. DAVID 엄마 드림.
Elissa Kim, Marymount High school, Columbia University, Class of 2024
I was a part of both Admissions Masters and AM Art. I am especially grateful to Counselor Jason, Vincent, and Ariel for being by my side through high school and the college admission process. Jason was my counselor since I first joined AM, and he guided me through the ups and downs of high school, extracurriculars, and grades. Vincent and Ariel had an integral role throughout my college application process: whether Vincent was there to answer my many questions about college apps or Ariel gave me pep talks and encouraged me to be confident in my writing, I am eternally thankful to them for the help they gave me. I also joined AM Art to showcase my talent in visual arts, despite the fact that I do not plan to be an art major. Justin is a brilliant teacher, who constantly encouraged me to think creatively and to establish my own unique style in each of my art pieces. With his guidance, I transformed from an inexperienced artist to one knowledgable about figure drawing, shading, and conceptual art. Am Art is truly a great institution— it helped me develop my own creativity and skills, and I highly recommend it to any student pursuing art as either a major or extracurricular activity.
Shawn Lee, Portola High School, Duke Early Decision, Class of 2024
I am so thankful for the support that Admissions Master has given me throughout the entire college admissions process. They were such an integral part in me getting accepted to my dream school and I can’t thank AM enough. I want to especially thank Counselor Jenny for always being there for me whenever I had questions regarding the college admissions process or about school. You have always pushed me to be the best that I can be and have always given me great advice on whether it be academic or life related. Also, because you kept pushing me to finish my UC essays over the summer, I was able to have less stress during my senior year and have more time to focus on school. Every time I listened to you, something great would come out of it and I am so glad I had the opportunity to have you as my counselor. In addition, I want to thank Counselor Shelby and Jay for being such a huge help with my college essays. You guys would always be there whenever I came to the open sessions and you guys would give me countless important suggestions and inspirations for my college essays. I really couldn’t have been able to finish and write amazing essays without you guys. Another counselor I would like to thank is Jason for managing the STEM club and GYM so well. With your help, I had countless opportunities to improve my leadership skills, help people in my community, and have so many topics/events to write about for my college essays. Lastly, I want to thank counselor Young for guiding me through my independent project and helping me build an impactful project that I could be proud of. Once again, I want to thank AM and all its counselors for the support they have given me these past few years.
Kaitlin Lim, Phillips Andover, MIT Class of 2024, Yale, Harvey Mudd, Brown, UPenn, BC (Presidential Scholar Finalist), USC (Merit), UVa (Jefferson Scholar Finalist)
I am extremely grateful towards everyone at AM for guiding me through high school and ultimately the college application process. But I want to extend a special thanks to counselors Young, Jay, and Jenny: C. Young for providing me with constant substantial advice on managing the stress and workload of high school, C. Jay for always being honest with me and showing me the “tough love” that I needed, and C. Jenny for being my point person and for always being in my corner since day zero. They’ve witnessed the good, the bad, and the downright ugly of my high school and college admissions journey, and they have always made sure to send back a reply or message no matter how busy they might have been. While I was never able to arrange meetings with them in person or attend the open session meetings, I still felt their genuine desire to help and support me during our VChat meetings and email chains. They, as well as everyone who is a part of AM, have inspired me to become a better student and a better person. Thank you so much!--
Louis Chung, Beverly High School, UPENN Early, Class of 2024
처음 어드미션 매스터즈 소개를 받고 잘 할수있을까 하는 마음으로 가입을 하게 되었습니다. 저도 나름 교육에 대해서는 뚜렷하고 확고한 신념이 있다고 생각을 해 왔지만 지나 대표님과 여러명의 카운셀러 선생님들과 만남을 가져보니 확고한 신념도 중요하지만 무엇보다 정확한 정보력과 체계적인 시스템들이 바탕이 되어야만 이제까지 해왔던 모든것들이 더욱더 빛을 발휘할수 있다고 느꼈습니다. 성적도 무엇보다 중요하지만 그것을 뒤받침 해줄수 있는 에세이 그리고 다양한 엑스트라 커리큘럼들을 어떻게 체계적으로 정리해서 자신만의 장점으로 표현하는가도 대학 입시에 중요한 요소중의 하나라고 생각합니다. 그 중요한 부분들을 카운셀러 선생님들이 잘 분석해 주셨고 그 과정을 지켜보면서 어디미션 매스터즈를 선택하기 너무 잘했다는 생각이 들었습니다. 항상 아이에게 힘이 되어주시고 용기를 주셨던 Jay 선생님,에세이를 여러번 꼼꼼하게 체크해주시고 수정해주셨던 Vincent 선생님, 또한 정확한 정보를 주시고 꼼꼼하게 정리해주신 Jessica 선생님께 감사드리며 그 밖에 같이 해주셨던 모든 선생님들께도 진심으로 감사드립니다. - Louis mom
K.K., Marymount High School, Stanford Class of 2023, Columbia, Brown, Georgetown, Vanderbilt, UCLA (Regents), USC (Trustees Scholarship)
Throughout the entire college process, Counselor Jenny, Jay, and Young were so kind as to support me at every meeting and open session. If it wasn’t for Jenny always providing me with words of encouragement and honesty, Jay looking over my essays and giving me feedback, or Young who would always bounce ideas back and forth with me, I would truly not have been able to do it. As a person who prefers speaking over writing, open sessions were always helpful to me because I was able to talk through my ideas with counselors and write my essays based off of those conversations. Brainstorming meetings helped me immensely for the same reason. AM always helped me organize all of my documents early on in the process, facilitate my transcripts and recommendations, and make sure that I had a substantial portion of my essays done before senior year started. I truly appreciate everything Admission Masters has done for me! Thank you!
Chloe Lee, Fairmont Preparatory Academy, Yale University Class of 2023
Admission Masters has guided me through nearly every single step of my high school journey that I cannot imagine how difficult high school would have been without the help. Anything from choosing my school courses, to writing summer program applications, to giving me the emotional support when I’m stressed — the counselors have encouraged me to challenge myself to my full potential. Towards the end of junior year and when the senior year came around, a team of AM counselors helped me tremendously with the college app process. Especially Counselor Jenny and Jay, thank you so much on helping me making my college list, bouncing ideas for many supplemental essays, and giving me keen feedback on my essays. And Counselor Richard Vincent, the mock interviews with you were very helpful as well! I will never forget the numerous hours I spent in open sessions, where I was able to get immediate feedback on my resume, application, or any essays. The advice I’ve gotten from AM counselors was definitely more than just about my academics and extracurriculars, and about my personal growth and well-being. Thank you to ALL the AM counselors, you have inspired me in one way or another, and I would not be where I am without your endless support. And like Counselor Jenny said the other day, once a mentor, forever a mentor. :)
Hannah J, Yale Univ. SCEA, Class of 2023
[Jenny], thank you so much for all of your help throughout this whole process for literally everything. I can't express how grateful I am to have had you walk me through literally everything and support me. You definitely kept me grounded and was my biggest advocate throughout this whole process. I could not have done this without you!
Jake W., UPenn M&T Early Decision, Class of 2023
Hi Jenny & Jason, Just wanted to let you know that I got into UPenn M&T ED! I'm extremely gracious for all your help throughout the application process and in the past four years. No matter it was the countless essay revisions (the common app personal statement struggles), advice on extracurricular activities, helping me to transfer to Harker (a long while ago!), cheering me up while GPAM counselors roast me on my progress reports, or the GYM meetings (I miss those!), you have definitely made a significant positive impact on me forever. It would have been impossible to accomplish this without your assistance.
Jenn P, Stanford, MIT, Yale Class of 2022
I came to Admission Masters with no real expectations. I didn’t see how the counselors could suddenly make my boring, uneventful life a topic for a college essay, nor could I fathom what AM could provide that I couldn’t Google myself. But having gone through the process, I’ve realized two things: 1) while AM couldn’t alter the history of my life, they can and did inspire me to seek insight from certain occurrences that I used to glaze over. It really took AM for me to constantly question and delve into who I was; counselor Jay especially would constantly suggest certain main ideas or offer mind-provoking talks to stimulate my thought process and provide a direction to an otherwise overwhelming task. And 2) in the midst of a crazy application season, many many questions arose, and while sufficient research could partially answer them, having counselor Jenny be one email away to concretely answer all questions about major choice, selection process, essay edits, and other nuanced application questions was a much-needed relief. From my 1.5 years here, while I’ve always viewed counseling services as a scam for your money, I wholeheartedly appreciate and attribute much of my success to AM. From being an uninspired, lost child who was cynical about her college chances, I am where I stand today much to the dedicated, tireless guidance of counselor Jay and Jenny, among many others. Simply put, AM has given me a higher chance of attaining the future of my dreams.
Brian Lee, Stanford University Class of 2022
All of the counselors were extraordinarily friendly, supportive, and helpful during my time at AM. I worked most closely with Vincent, Jay, Jiei, Jason, Young, Jessica, Shelby, Jun, Travis, Alexis, and Jenny, and I am extremely grateful for each of these counselors in answering my questions and giving my rather clueless self guidance every step of the way.

I feel that my personality was matched well with Vincent; he provided me a great deal of guidance with planning and building my courseloads and extracurriculars activities, as well as with navigating specific dilemmas and questions I faced. Without Vincent as my AM main counselor, I am certain that I would not have had the success I did with my final college results.

The open sessions and 1-on-1 brainstorming sessions were SUPREMELY helpful in helping me throughout the difficult college essay writing process. I want to extend a special message of thanks to Jay, Shelby, and Alexis, who gave me many hours of support and were, above all, unafraid to demand more from me and challenge me to produce the highest quality and caliber of writing, far beyond what I would have been satisfied with myself otherwise. With these counselors at open session, I felt that they truly wanted me to be successful, and their energy and faith was a big part of what got me through the tougher months of the college essay writing process.

Global Youth Mission and Media Club are both incredible AM organizations that Jason and Travis manage very well. Always friendly and always welcoming, these two counselors provided an excellent, warm environment where students like myself could feel like their efforts and opinions were very much valued and validated. I would 100% recommend these services to any incoming and current students who would like to become more involved and make the most of their time at AM.

I have worked with counselors Jiei, Jun, Young, Jessica, and Jenny at various points with several different AM functions: Jiei and Jun with GPAMs and financial aid, Young with interview prep, Jessica with application support and Jenny with miscellaneous college questions. Each and every one of these counselors gave me excellent support with every question my parents and I could think of and come up with, and their professionalism, strong explanation skills, and thorough knowledge of their fields only solidified the trust we felt in AM that we were being assisted by the very best.

Overall, my family and I express our deepest gratitude towards everyone on the AM team for the consistently high quality of support and aid we received. Any and all doubts we may have held at the beginning of our joining of AM have been completely and thoroughly overturned; we wish the counselors the best with everything in the future.
Cassandra Man: UCB (Regents), USC (Trustee Scholarship), UPenn, Johns Hopkins Class of 2022
I am so thankful for the support that AM has given me throughout the past few years—I can genuinely say that without them, I would not have been able to navigate the admissions process to gain admission to the colleges I’d dreamed of. I am so lucky to have been able to work with Counselor Jenny and Counselor Jay very closely. We started planning my overall path early, but they were there with me at every interview, essay, and semester along the way. In particular, the support and structure they provided for essays was invaluable. When I first approached the prompts I felt that there wasn’t anything special enough about myself to respond uniquely, but in our brainstorming sessions they were able to draw from my personal experiences to create a topic that was not only powerful, but authentic to myself.

With all the chaos and stress that the admission process and high school entails, it is such a great feeling to know that trustworthy and valuable advice is only an email, phone call, or meeting away. The team at AM truly made me feel like I was well taken care of and in great hands.

Victoria Choi, Johns Hopkins University Graduate School

Foremost, I truly thank you, Jenny, for all your help with your passion and consideration. AM 한국지사를 통해 Jenny와 AM Korea team(especially Stephano)을 알게 된 것은 저에게는 또 다른 도전과 기대를 안겨주는 특별한 시간이었음을 기억합니다. 13년 전 미국에서 학사를 나왔지만 그 당시 컨설팅, 누구의 도움도 받지도 않았던 저였습니다. 그런데 Jenny& Stephano와 함께한 진학준비는 철저한 계획과 완벽한 구비, 그리고 신뢰가 준비기간 내내 모든 것을 긍정적 마인드로 변화시켜주었습니다. 졸업 후 많은 시간이 흘러, 현재는 초등학생을 둔 학부모로서 지금 하고 있는 일과 관련된 미국의 특정 한 대학(Johns Hopkins)만을 진학목표로 준비하는 과정에서 Jenny는 전문적이면서 꼼꼼함과 정확성을 발휘해 주었고 작은 부분까지 놓치지 않고 마치 자신의 일처럼 함께 해주었으며 이에 깊은 감사를 느낍니다. AM의 목표처럼 학생들의 인성과 미래를 고려한 맞춤형 컨설팅은 경험하지 않고서는 그 차이를 모를 것입니다. 앞으로도 훌륭한 인재양성을 위한 그 시작의 첫 걸음이 되어주길 응원합니다. Nothing is impossible. Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained~!!
Mother of Grace Choi, Stanford University Class of 2022
어드미션 매스터즈를 통해 좋은 카운슬러 선생님들과의 다양한 만남으로 부모가 보지 못한 세계와 시야를 아이에게 경험할 수 있게 해 준 것에 대해 최고의 선택이었다 믿습니다.

교육열 최고라는 한국 엄마로서 나름 열심히 교육에 대한 정보를 수집하고 자녀의 보다 나은 교육을 위해서 엄마도 끊임없이 공부하고 최선을 다한다 생각했지만 미국에서 교육받지 않은 1세 이민자 부모로서의 한계를 느낄때가 아주 많았기 때문입니다.

더우기 날이 갈수록 입시 경쟁이 상상을 초월할 정도로 치열해지고 해마다 이변이 나타나는 대학 입시 환경에서는 아무리 이곳 미국에서 영어로 초중고 교육을 받은 1.5세나 2세 부모라 할지라도 부모 자신들 세대 때와는 비교가 안되게 어렵고 치열해진 입시 현실에 자녀들을 가이드 해주기가 너무어렵다는 애로 사항들을 토로함을 보면서 단순히 영어 구사의 문제나 정보 부족만의 어려움이 아님을 또한 발견하게 되었기 때문입니다.

대학이 원하는 인재상(?) 그리고 대학마다 뽑고자 하는 학생들의 성향(?)을 바로 어드미션 매스터즈에서는 치밀하고 세세하게 분석한 “학교별 정보”를 바탕으로 하여 각 학생들마다의 장점과 특별함에 맞추어 차별화시켜 체계적으로 접근하고 학생의 강점을 최대한 부각시켜 다양한 각도로 학생의 모습을 온전히 다 보여 줄 수 있는 전략을 차근차근 준비시켜 주었습니다.

어드미션 매스터즈에서 학생들을 안내해주고 도와주는 프로그램을 일일이 다 열거할 수는 없지만 특별히 적성검사 등을 필두로 여러 카운슬러 선생님들의 지속적이고 심층적인 카운셀링을 통하여 “학생”이 “누구”인지를 가장 먼저 파악하는 작업이 대입 준비를 시작하는 기본적인 첫 밑거름이 되었던 것 같습니다.

규칙적인 학업 관리, SAT나 ACT 같은 표준 고사 준비 같은 “학업적인” 부분에 대한 관리는 기본 중의 기본 도움이었습니다. 그런데, 고등학교 4년 생활을 잘 하면서도 소위 사춘기라는 과정을 잠시 겪기도 하고 또는 정신적인 슬럼프 상태에 놓이는 것은 당연했습니다. 이때 부모는 아이에게 주관적이고 감정적으로 대응하기 쉽기 때문에 부모가 아이를 직접 다루고 대처하기 어려울 때가 제법 많습니다. 그때마다 우회적으로 여러 카운슬러 선생님들을 활용(?)하여 심리적이고 정신적인 터치까지도 긴밀한 상담을 통해 도움을 받을 수 있었고 이런 과정들이 얼마나 큰 힘이 되었는지 모릅니다.

나아가 대학 원서 에세이 작성은 아마도 대학 입시 준비의 꽃이라 해도 과언이 아닐듯 합니다. 지원서라는 지극히 제한된 공간에서 비슷비슷한 수많은 지원자들을 짧은 시간 안에 “선별”해내야 하니 입학 사정관들의 눈을 사로잡기 위해서는 에세이라는 강력하고도 효과적인 통로를 잘 활용하는 것이 너무 중요하다고 생각합니다.

그런데 어드미션 매스터즈에서는 이 에세이 작성을 위해 일찌감치 시작하고 수많은 과정을 공들여 준비하고 완성케 했습니다. 여러 차례의 브레인스토밍...초고부터 완성까지 수정하고 또 보완하고... 한 학생의 에세이를 10여명의 선생님들이 일일이 확인하고 조정하기를 거듭하면서... 비로소 학생의 진정한 모습을 학교측에 보여 줄 수 있도록 “진짜 자기”가 탄생 되었습니다.

자녀를 배 아파 낳은 엄마가 자기 자녀를 가장 잘 안다는 것...맞는 말 같지만 한편으로는 좀 틀린 말이기도 합니다. 객관적으로 알 수도 볼 수도 없는 “내 아이”의 장점과 단점을 제 3자의 입장에서 카운슬러 선생님들은 볼 수 있기 때문입니다.

다시말해, 엄마는 자기 아이만 볼 수 있고 자기 아이에게만 관심이 있지만 카운슬러 선생님들은 내 아이 또래의 다양하고도 무수한 다른 아이들을 보고 상담하기 때문에 환경, 성장 배경, 특기, 강점, 약점...등을 분석하여 다른 아이와 “차별화”할 수 있는 내 아이만의 “색깔”과 유니크한 “특징”을 최대한 살리면서 부족한 부분은 잘 보완할 수 있게 지도해 줄 수 있고 또한 그것을 에세이를 통해서도 맘껏 보여 줄 수 있게 도와 준다는 것입니다. 저의 경험상 이런 부분이 부모로서의 가장 큰 한계였던 것 같았는데 어드미션 매스터즈에서는 부모가 해결하기 어려운 이 “한계”들을 뛰어 넘을 수 있도록 잘 도와주고 가이드 해 주었던것이 저희 아이가 받은 가장 큰 혜택(?) 중의 혜택이라 확신합니다.

혹시나 필자처럼 대학 카운슬링은 성적이 좀 부족하거나 스펙(?)이 좀 딸리는 아이들이 도움을 받는 것이다...라는 자기 아집이나 편견에 사로 잡혀 계신 부모님이 계신다면 생각을 다시 바꾸는 유연성을 가져 보시기를 감히 조언드려 봅니다. 우리 아이는 성적이나 과외활동 그리고 리더십까지 두루두루 완벽한데...라고 우물 안 개구리 식의 좁은 시야에서 우선 탈피하는 것이 필요하다 생각 합니다. “내가 다 안다”라는 어설픈 자신감을 내려놓고 전문가 선생님들의 조언과 도움에 대해 마음을 열고 “부모가 모르는 것”과 “부모가 할 수 없는 것”에 대해 겸손하게 도움을 구하는 것도 부모로서 지혜로운 자세가 아닐까 생각 됩니다.

미 전역 고등학교 38000여개 뿐만 아니라 전 세계 고등학교에서 뛰어난 학생들이 다 몰려드는 미국 대학이라면 1등만 잡아도 이미 38000명을 훌쩍 넘어선다는 분명한 “팩트”만으로도 대학 입시의 “현실”이 단순한 성적과 점수라는 “숫자”만으로 결정될 수 없다는 것은 삼척 동자도 인정할 것이기 때문입니다.

많은 학생들이 거의 다 들어가기를 간절히 소망하는 그런 학교... 5학년때부터 막연히 품고 동경 해왔던 제 아이의 드림 스쿨... 이제 실제로 입학할 수 있게 되어 너무나 자랑스럽고 보람을 느낍니다. 최고의 교육 써비스를 통하여 제 아이에게 더 넓은 세상으로 나아가는 길을 활짝 열수 있도록 물심양면으로 도와 주신 우리 어드미션 매스터즈의 모든 선생님들께 진심으로 감사 드립니다.

그레이스 엄마...

Erica Lee, UC Berkeley, Georgetown Univ. Law School, Class of 2022

Admission Masters advised me through two very important periods of my educational career: the undergraduate and law school admissions process. I remember I first came to Jay and the team pretty late in the game for the college admissions process - it was the fall of my senior year, I already had my SAT scores, and there was little chance I would take it again. Understandably, I was wary of what AM could do for me so late in the process, especially when my peers had been with AM since the beginning of their high school careers. However, I was proved wrong. Jay and the rest of the AM team worked tirelessly the next couple of months brainstorming essay and supplement ideas, editing, and constantly checking on me to make sure I had everything I needed. Even after I submitted my applications, Jay played an integral role in aiding my decision to attend UC Berkeley. Thanks to Jay and the rest of the AM team, I had an amazing undergraduate education and experience. Fast forward about four years, there was no question I came to AM again to help me with my law school admission essay. Jay remembered me and warmly welcomed me back, which spoke volumes to me considering the number of students he has probably consulted over the years. Now a veteran to the AM method, I trusted Jay's brainstorming, drafting, and editing process. Truthfully, I was more anxious because I felt there was more at stake at the graduate level, but Jay consistently was the voice of reason and grounded me throughout the entire process. Admission Masters has been instrumental in my educational career and in achieving my goals. As I am now finishing up my first year at law school, I am filled with gratitude as I look back and reminisce about how AM has shaped the person and student I am today. Best,
Emily Kim, Woodbridge High School, BROWN, CALTECH, RICE, Class of 2022
1. Counselor Jenny did an excellent job helping me with my essays, especially when brainstorming with me. I loved her ideas and her ways of envisioning particular structures for my essays. I also liked how I could ask her questions on how to make an essay specific to a school and she always knew what was best.
2. Counselor Young made me feel really confident going into my interviews by being very thorough on the college-specific questions (i.e. he would go down the list of every question the interviewer may have asked). I’m thankful because my interviews went really well because of him. He was also able to use personal experience with going through the college admissions process (e.g. Berkeley Regents) to give me really good advice.
3. Ms. Maria was always very nice to me whenever I went to the Admission Masters office in Irvine.
4. Counselor Darin was so helpful when he was helping me with my volunteer things. He was very thorough and I liked how he went out of his way to find personalized volunteer opportunities he felt were great for me. He always gave off positive vibes, which made meetings enjoyable.
5. Counselor Shelby was always so helpful when looking at my essays. I liked how she critiqued them using a different lens than that of the other counselors. She was always very specific on which parts I should delete, which parts I could reword to make stronger, etc.
James Choi, Stanford University Class of 2022
Despite the hard times and obstacles I faced during the course of my high school career, I am glad Admission Masters was there for me. Even though it is impossible to know exactly what a student would be doing in the next few years, AM has helped me to follow the path that I eagerly searched for. AM is not merely a college counseling agency: it is a family. I am a student that manages myself very well, but sometimes, there were just situations that I could not handle on my own. I've been under the guidance of Counselor Jenny and many others, and she provided the best care/attention. Whether it be in the early morning or at night, whenever I needed her help, she would always try her best to respond as soon as possible. In my humble opinion, if the student is willing to put in the work, then AM will do everything they can, within their power, to support and make sure that the student achieves their dream. In terms of service, there are many different approaches and methods that AM provides: from club opportunities, essay brainstorming, GPA management, extracurricular focus, and so many more. Overall, my experience with AM can be summarized with one word: exquisite.
Cynthia Lu, Walnut High School, Brown University, Class of 2021
Hi Jenny, Hope you're having a great summer! I just realized in the busyness of college visits and graduation, I never got to properly thank you for everything, especially helping me brainstorm ideas for essays and revising them over and over until it got to the best possible version it could be. I did end up choosing Brown after visiting, and I'm extremely excited to start in the fall. Just browsing through the course catalog, there are so many classes that I want to take and explore subjects such as anthropology and oceanography. I'm really excited!! Again, thank you for everything over the school year and helping me through such a hectic process!!
Diana Yan Zhang, University High School Irvine, Princeton, Caltech, Harvey Mudd, UCBerkeley- Regents, UCLA - Merit Scholarship, UCSD,UCI, UCSB, USC, UMichigan Class of 2021
I cannot be more thankful for the services that AM has provided me these past 3+ years. The amount of help and advice that I received from the counselors basically paved my ideal future. Whether it is getting that ACT score or maintain my grades or writing college essays, I always knew that I was in safe hands. Through Admission Masters, I was able to participate in community service activities and even start my very own STEM club. I wouldn't even be here without the help from C. Jay, C. Jenny, C. Alexis, C. Travis, C. Jason, C. Jun, C. Vincent, C. Jessica, C. Jean, and the rest of the other counselors! Three years ago, attending a top-notch university never even occurred to me. The concept of it was such a dream. Now, thanks to AM, it is a reality. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
Wenxi Lin, UCLA , Columbia University Graduate School
I got accepted into Columbia University, Master of International Affairs, technology media and communication specialization. I want to say thank you so much Admission Masters. I really appreciate AM counselors and staffs’ great help, encouragement and support throughout the application process, especially thanks Jay, Jenny, Vincent, Jina, Michelle Wang, Michelle Lee, Jessica, Maria. Applying for college and grad school need a long term and professional planning. After graduation from UCLA in 2015, I become a host and a news anchor in a Chinese TV station. I am also a bilingual MC hosting various events for different organizations in Los Angeles and Orange County. In 2016, I decided to apply for grad school but I was busy with work and activities. In order to save time and be proficiency, I went to AM for advising. Joining Admission Masters indeed helped me to clear my goal and to make the plan. AM counselors provided detailed and helpful suggestions, such as brainstorming essays to show my strengths, which focused on my bilingual cultural background and career aspiration for journalism and international affairs, practicing interviews, revising the resume and cover letter, and so on. We had both face to face meetings and online meetings. Counselor Jay and I first had monthly meetings in summer and weekly meetings in fall and winter during grad school application process to make sure all materials were ready to submit. He was a wonderful and professional counselor. Other counselors such as Michelle Wang, Michelle Lee, Vincent and Jessica kept in touch with me through emails and video chatting to provide additional support. They were all very patient and experienced. AM counselors work as a great team to make it possible. Again, thank you all counselors. Thank you Admission Masters!
Daniel S. Lim, Cypress High School, UC Berkeley, USC, Babson College, Boston College, UCI, UCSD, UCLA, Pepperdine University Class of 2021
I had personally joined AM during my sophomore year and having to choose a major and think about college that early on was admittedly intimidating at first. However, as time went by, I came to realize that by putting more on my plate early on, I would be taking away a lot of the stress I would've faced during college application season. Due to the support of the counselors and the guidance of AM, I actually felt very calm and collected during college application season as I knew exactly what needed to be done and how to do it. Even in times of confusion, I knew that I could rely on the counselors to answer any questions I may have had. In the end, AM, while admittedly a bit challenging at first, was rewarding in the end and I couldn't be more thankful for it.
Sangchul Bae, Apple Valley High School, UCB, US Naval Academy Class of 2021
Words cannot express how grateful I am toward Admission Masters and its counselors. The work the counselors do and how they facilitate the whole college admissions process is truly unique. Looking back on the skepticism I had my junior, which was when I joined AM, I can say, with absolute certainty, that I was wrong. Dead wrong. Beyond receiving help with applying to colleges, I am so glad I got to meet and work with such amazing people, like Counselor Richard Vincent, Counselor Jay, and Counselor Jun, just to name a few; and, I know I will always remember them and the invaluable guidance they gave to me, along with the other counselors. Thank you so much Admission Masters!
Jennifer Um, Flintridge Preparatory School, University of Chicago Class of 2021
I am so grateful for AM for facilitating every step of the college process for me. I had the unfortunate habit of putting off even thinking about college and had no idea where to even start. Trust me when I say I dreaded the idea of a college counseling program, so sure that all it would do was expose me to endless meaningless talks with adults who would somehow prophesy how my future will play out. However, I was so wrong. I am so fortunate to have had AM by my side. AM has worked to help get me where I want to be, introducing numerous options and approaches to help me succeed. Their plethora of brainstorming sessions and club opportunities, along with the unending guidance, allowed me to ameliorate my resume and essay writing to better qualify myself as a candidate for colleges. The counselors' kindness, support, and encouragement inspired me to work harder and put more effort into my plans for the future. So, for all of these reasons, along with many more, I thank AM very much! AM, you rock! :)
Jenny Li, University High School, Columbia University Class of 2021
I joined AM during the summer before my senior year, and I’m so grateful for how much AM helped with my college admissions. The counselors know the admissions process really well, and the advice they give is substantive and valuable. They encouraged me to pursue schools that I didn’t think I had a chance to get in. I might not have applied to Columbia without them, and I’m so thankful that they helped me make this important decision. AM is also extremely helpful with essay writing—they work with you to make sure the topics you choose and the way you present it make your essays truly unique. All the counselors are super nice and supportive. Huge thanks to counselors Jay, Jenny, Vincent, Alexis, Travis, Jessica and many more.
Erica Choi, West Ranch High School, Johns Hopkins Univ. Early, Class of 2021
I started going to Admissions Masters in the beginning of my spring semester in 9th grade. And from then on, the wonderful team at Admissions Masters have been by my side every step of the way.
Before I started the college application process, I really didn't know where to begin or what to do. However, Admissions Masters really broke it down for me and took me through a step by step process in which I was able to learn more about myself and what I wanted. Through them I was able to understand that getting into college isn't all about having the most stellar grades or test scores. It's about having color: what makes me stand out compared all the other applicants who probably have the same or higher statistics as me. Through a series of brainstorming meetings and numerous amounts of draft, Admissions Masters was able to help me highlight where my own unique and colorful points and help me boldly tell colleges what I was passionate for and what I wanted to do. If someone had told me in 9th grade that I was going to be attending Johns Hopkins, I would have laughed at them, saying it was a far far reach. With Admissions Masters by my side, my aspirations and dreams came to life.
Thank you to Jay, Jean, Jun, Vincent Richard, Jason, Gloria, Eddie, Ula, and Jason for all the support, guidance and kind words!
Big thanks to Jessica, who helped me put together a complete and thorough application! Big thanks to Michelle, who really was there for me for the past 4 years, making sure I was doing my jobs and always smiling! And another big thanks to Jenny, who really took the time and effort to really understand who I was and my dreams so that I could go to Johns Hopkins University!
Beyond grateful! Thank you Admissions Masters.
Dowon Jake Kim, Beverly Hills High School, Johns Hopkins Univ. Early, Class of 2021
AM is absolutely great! The counselors are very nice, friendly and experienced. Brainstorming with them really helped me to write good essays! At first, I really didn't know what to write or how to write a college essay. But with the help from my counselors, I could pull out all of my ideas and write vivid essays!
Hannah Yi, Notre Dame High School, Yale Univ. Early, Class of 2021
I started AM late junior year – by that point, I had already gone through what seemed like dozens of other college counseling programs, many of which told me that it was too late to make a difference in my college apps. They were definitely proven wrong; AM helped me to substantiate some of the most significant parts of my application, including a summer research internship (I didn’t even know cold-calling was a thing), many of the awards in my once sadly empty honors/awards section, and more. Thanks to the hard work and undying support of AM’s wonderful counselors, I was able to get into a college I could only dream of before! Thank you!
Mother of Jenny Chang, Orange Lutheran High School, UPenn Early Accepted 2021
안녕하세요 원장님, 저 제니 장 엄만데요, 오늘 제니 유펜 얼리 합격소식 전해드릴려구요.. 브레아 오피스에 말씀은 드렸는데 정말 감사드린다고요. 어드미션 매스터스 덕분에 제니 실력엔 어림도 없는데 합격된것같아요.. 이제 시작에 불과하지만 일단 합격이 되었으니 열심히 또 밀어부쳐서 대학원까지 잘 마무리 할수있도록 또 많은 충고와 가르침 부탁드릴께요. 정말 제니 원장님 및 다른 카운셀러 선생님께도 너무 감사드린다고 전해주세요. 조만간 오피스에 들려 얼굴뵙구 또 감사의말씀 전할께요. .
Brittany Chen, Irvine High School, Pomona College Early, Class of 2020
AM helped me consider different paths for applying that I didn't really know about. Because I had a diverse set of activities before getting counseling at the end of junior year, AM Counselors suggested that I look into applying Undecided, which actually fits my personality quite well. Though it was daunting writing my essays and figuring out how to portray in my application my undecided-ness correctly, the help of the counselors was extremely helpful. With the suggestions of the counselors, I did 2 internships that summer - one in humanities and one in sciences. Both were rewarding learning experiences that I probably wouldn't have taken without AM's encouragement. I also want to thank the counselors for the endless support. When I was doubting myself, Counselor Jason reassured me with what he learned from his college counseling classes and assured me that I'd get into college (what a relief!!). When I was stuck on my essays and feeling overwhelmed, Counselor Travis helped me believe in myself and finetune my ideas. The counselors here really know what they're doing and all have personalities well-suited to work with students. I recommend their services to any college-bound student hoping to get into the college of their dreams!
Dorothy Kang, Claremont High School, Stanford Univ. Early, Class of 2020
I began Admission Masters in the middle of my sophomore year, and I remember doubting that college counseling would make a difference in the end. Well, those initial doubts were completely wrong! I'm eternally grateful that my parents and I went forth with Admission Masters. Not only have I been admitted to my top-choice school, but I've learned a lot about myself because of the experiences I've had under AM's guidance. From the get-go, Jay was already helping me decide my major. From there, I was encouraged to attend a summer program and begin an internship, which reaffirmed my choice of major. However, it was really the end of my junior year and beginning of senior year that made the greatest difference. During essay brainstorms with Jenny, she suggested certain topics that I had never considered writing about, and they creatively bridged connections between my seemingly disparate ideas. That being said, every single AM counselor is so experienced and knowledgeable about what colleges are generally as well as specifically looking for. Thank you Jenny, Jay, Jean, Vincent, Jun, Ula, Jason, Jessica, Eddie, Jina, and everyone else at AM who has supported me these past few years. Although I was against the odds of being admitted, I also had hope because of all the thought and work from these past few years. I am truly so blessed, so lucky, and so so so excited for college. Thanks AM!
Sheldon Dong, Mark Keppel High School, UCLA, Class of 2020
Admission Masters helped me tremendously through the arduous and complicated process of college admissions. Their experienced counselors are dedicated toward helping each and every one of their students reach their dream school. With Admission Masters, college applications could not have been any easier.

Jamie Oh, Northwood HS, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Washington Univ St. Louis, UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI.. Class of 2020
When I started Admissions Masters during 9th grade, I did not have a single clue what my path to the future looked like or where to begin with the entire college application process. Thankfully, through AM I was able to gain valuable exposure to many activities that I previously never would have attempted or known about and change the course of my life for the better. With the immense knowledge and experiences the counselors provided, I was able to stay on track thanks to the continual care and guidance that the AM staff provided me. The GPA meetings (thanks Jun and Jessica!) helped to focus my attention towards balancing my grades, the essay brainstorm sessions (thanks Jay and Vincent!) aided me in putting my life and aspirations on paper, extracurricular checkups (thanks Jean and Eddy!) allowed me to immerse myself in my major, and all the other countless things that the counselors did for me ultimately broadened my perspective. The vested concern that the counselors had for me helped foster my growth and their efficient process for deadlines in the college application process prevented me from procrastinating. I could not have expected much success in my high school career if I did not have the support of the many counselors I met.

Thank you for everything you do!

Jamie Oh

Unice Yoo, Franklin High School, Harvard University Class of 2020
Admission Masters has been invaluable to me throughout my high school career. At first, I was very reluctant – I didn’t believe that anything could really improve my chances that much of getting accepted into top universities. The counselors were patient with my late assignments, and have guided me to the beginning of an amazing college opportunity. Throughout planning what extracurricular activities to join, leadership positions to apply for, classes to take, and what activities to do during the summer, moving onto SAT tutoring and perfecting test scores during the middle of my high school career, and finally entering the actual application season, wracked with transcripts, deadlines, and the worst of all – essays, AM has been extremely supportive and has shaped my high school experience to allow me to achieve what I had always thought impossible. All the counselors are very friendly and easy to relate to, making it easier for high schoolers to share hobbies and personal essays. In addition to being socially approachable, all counselors were very knowledgeable, giving me an almost behind-the-scenes look at the intimidating mystery behind college admission decisions. If a new question appeared due to a new admission policy by a school, the counselors researched everything that was known about the topic and quickly responded. Freshman year, I had ambition but no direction. AM counselors have molded that ambition and guided it to eventually lead me to my dream school. Thank you for everything you have done for me!

Lucia Kim, Marymount HS, UPenn Early, Class of 2020
I honestly don't even know where to begin or how to fully express my gratitude towards Admission Masters. I guess I can start off by saying that my winter break right now has been one of the most stress-free and relaxing breaks of my entire life. Seems kind of contrary to what a lot of other seniors would say about their winter breaks, as most students have to spend the end of December furiously writing apps. Thanks to Admission Masters, I got into my dream school on December 11th, and since then, I've been on cloud nine, truly.

I started Admission Masters my freshman year of high school, and I vividly remember feeling like it was useless to start so early—I had just gotten into my first choice high school, and already I was looking ahead four more years?! It didn't make sense to me. It did, however, once I had my first meeting. As a freshman, everything is so overwhelming, and it's easy to prioritize other things such as your social life before academics. Through GPA meetings, major selection meetings, summer program brainstorming meetings, and more, Admission Masters did their best to make sure that I knew what should be my first priority. I look back on the summer programs I attended based on AM's recommendations, ones that I was accepted into because of AM's essay help, and believe those to be some of the greatest choices I made. The number of doors AM has opened up whether that be through the majors I never would've considered or the connections I've made through internships is uncountable.

It was really during the summer leading up to my senior year though, when I started doing apps, that I felt how lucky I was to have done AM. The college process is intimidating, daunting, and very, very long. When I first saw the Common app, the supplements, and all the deadlines, I was extremely overwhelmed. AM helped me set realistic deadlines for everything so I was never behind, and the counselors' honesty regarding my essays pushed me to eventually have pieces that I was proud of. I can't thank all the counselors that helped me in brainstorming and finalization process enough. Jenny, Jay, Vincent, Jason, and everyone else, thank you from the bottom of my heart! It's been so amazing to know that I have had a great group of counselors supporting me through this all. And there is absolutely no way that I could've been so calm and collected through it without you guys.

Once again, Admission Masters, thank you for making our dreams come true!

Min Jae Kang, West Ranch HS, UPenn Early, Class of 2020
I started AM toward the end of my junior year. Though going into it, I had no idea what it really was about, AM quickly helped me plan out the summer after my junior year, in which I participated in a program halfway across the country and started an internship in a biology laboratory. As soon as senior year kicked off, it was off to the races with college applications. But fortunately for me, AM and its counselors were running alongside me, guiding me in a process I really had no idea about. Brainstorming essay ideas with counselors really allowed me to dig deeper within myself, and receiving feedback on my work allowed me to improve.

A big thank you to all the counselors at AM for helping me get into my first-choice school. I don't think I could've done it without all the help!

Edward Pak, La Sierra University, Loma Linda Medical School
At first, I was apprehensive and reluctant about using the services of AM. I thought I could go through the medical school application on my own and reflecting back, although it might have been possible, it would have been much more difficult. Jay was invaluable in helping me to compose my application in a way that made sense and flowed. Having an outside eye look at your application is always a good thing and I believe that it helped immensely. Furthermore, having someone alongside who is vested and who cares about your future and your success did wonders in keeping me calm during the draining medical school admissions cycle. Jenny was another invaluable resource at AM who conducted my mock interview. I recommend to everyone who has interviews to do a mock interview to become comfortable with the format. She gave me wonderful advice on the finer points of interviewing. It did wonders for my confidence. I could not have gone through this process without the help of Jay and Jenny. Thank you for everything!

Jamie Oh, Northwood HS, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Washington Univ St. Louis, UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI.. Class of 2020
안녕하세요. 얼바인 Jamie Sejun Oh 엄마입니다. Jamie가 이 번 입시를 잘 끝냈습니다. 좋은 결과들에 아이도 자랑스럽고 고맙지만 무엇보다도 3년동안 같이 도와주신 AM 여러 선생님들이 제일 감사하고 생각이 나서 마음을 전하고 싶어요. 9학년 때부터 Northwood high PTA 덕에 알게 되서 AM 시작하길 정말 잘했고 GPA 관리 해주신 Jun선생님, 다큐먼트 정리해주시는 Jessica 선생님 정말 완벽, 최고셨고, 항상 다정하고 편안하게 상담해주신 Jean선생님, 카리스마 넘치면서 늘 믿음이 가는 Jenny 그리고 Jay 선생님

마지막 해 application 과정을 다 같이 해주신 Vincent 선생님 늘 스케줄을 친절하게 잡아주신 Michelle선생님

그리고 자세한 설명과 상담으로 엄마들의 고민과 궁금증을 잘 이해하고 이끌어주신 지나 킴 선생님.

모든 분께 진심으로 감사드립니다.

이 합격 결과로 끝이 아니라 이 결과를 토대로 앞으로의 전공, 진로 결정 상담을 더 해 주신다니 더욱 든든하고 감사하네요. 좋은 결과 알려드릴 수 있게되서 정말 기쁩니다.
Jamie 엄마

Paul Mak, Father of Jonathan Mak, Princeton vs Stanford, Class of 2019
I am a very knowledgeable parent and have been going to different educational seminars to compare different companies' services for several years. I strongly recommend Admission Masters as the professional advisor for parents who has college bound children.

As the competitiveness for a spot in UCs and selective Ivies is higher than ever, traditional Asian thinking in preparing your kid for college is not enough. It is where Admission Masters step in.

AM helps my kid to focus in how to bring up/ maintain his GPA, whether to take another SAT/ ACT, what extra-curricula activities, sports, leadership position and community services that would make his application compelling. Their professional in-house college essay counseling is unmatched in the industry. Their service is not a template one-size for all. You will receive custom made advice only for your kid.

Their counselors work tirelessly for the best interests of your child and I trust them all the way. It is very stressful during the summer of 11th grade and the Fall of 12th grade. AM's counselor clamed my kid down and always gave him direction when things just went hectic and confusing. As a parent, we were also very stressful during the application period and it sometimes brought tension with my kid. Admission Masters' counselors help me to rest my mind for I know that my son is in good hand.

Andrew Kim, Cerritos High School, Stanford Class of 2019, West Point, University of Chicago, Duke
I've always had a bad impression of counseling services and going to countless seminars and "free trials" only exacerbated this feeling of mine. But that all changed, the day I went to Admission Masters. Because that day, Jay told me that I actually had a slim chance at making it to the top universities. But more than that, I was surprised by how systematic everything was and the organization that made this service entirely possible. The thing about Admission Masters is that they will be completely honest with you. There's none of that BS you get at other places. But more than that, the freedom that you have to question and request help is phenomenal. During my peak of college app writing, I went to each branch (LA, Walnut, Irvine, Fullerton) every day and would receive guidance until the minute the offices closed. The openness of the counselors was also a huge plus. I absolutely abhor places that limit your meeting times with the "head counselor" to a meager number. To make the point short, I was never one to go to counseling services and quite honestly regarded them as a big scam. But Admission Masters was the one place where I felt comfortable to share my story and receive guidance on how to share that with others. Thank you Jay, Punit, Eddie, Jessica, Jean, Ula, Vincent, Jina, Pankaj, Jun, Michelle, Jenny, the Caucasian teacher from Maryland, and the one woman at the LA Branch whose name I forgot for sticking with me through all of this. Maybe I'll be an AM counselor too one day. GG

Jonathan Mak, Whitney High School, Princeton University Early, Stanford, Class of 2019
AM has clearly been a huge impact in my college application process, and without them, I would not be where I am today. I would like to take the time to thank Jessica for helping organize my application, Jun for help with grades, Eddie for all his resume help, Michelle for scheduling my meetings and of course Jenny, Jay, Pankaj, Vincent and the rest of the AM staff for guiding me through this harrowing application process. I am elated to have been accepted to my dream school and I know I couldn't have done it without the support and care from these counselors and friends.

Christopher Mus, Van Nuys High School, Columbia, UPenn Class of 2019
AM completely revolutionizes the way students create their résumés for colleges. Its advice, research, and offered opportunities are nonpareil, and the fact that so many students get into Ivy Leagues and other top schools is testament to AM's effectiveness. Notably the greatest decision I have made for my academic career.

I'd like to thank Jina, Vincent, Michelle, Jessica, Jun, Jenny, and the whole of the AM staff for all your help! Special thanks to Jean for your guidance, kindness, and encouragement. You were the first counselor that I spoke to, and you definitely helped me grow out my shell!

And finally, the biggest of thanks to Jay! Beyond doing spectacularly in academic, extracurricular, and color counseling, you took a personal interest in every student and genuinely worked your hardest to reach everyone's maximum potential. Your motivation was vital to help me get through my lows (which were quite common unfortunately, haha). I came out not only as a better student and learner but also as a better person!

Todos las gracias!!"

Kenneth Huh, John Marshall High School, Pomona College, Class of 2019
I just wanted to thank you, and the rest of the AM staff, for all the support and help y'all offered me this year. Without it, I'm 99.9% sure that I would not have been admitted to my DREAM SCHOOL, Pomona College, let alone Claremont McKenna with the Interdisciplinary Science Scholarship - a merit-based scholarship awarded to 10 students/yr that provides a full-ride all 4 years and a yearly 5k stipend! Even though all the decisions came out a week ago, I'm still dumbfounded that I got accepted to the prestigious Claremont Colleges. It's all thanks to you folks at Admission Masters! I had such a blast working with you Jay and I thank you again for everything. Best,

Andrew Kim, Cerritos High School, Stanford University, Duke, WestPoint, Claremont Mckenna, UCB, UCLA, Univ. Chicago...and more accepted, Class of 2019

엔드류가 열심히 달려왔지요!

대견하고 고맙지요

학교성적 관리하랴, 특별 활동하랴, 밤을 지새며 에세이 적을랴 후회없 도록 최선을 다하는 엔드류를 격려하며 함께보내온 시간들이 어느듯 4년이란 세월이... 어제처럼스쳐간것같습니다.

이제겨우 열대살먹은 애기가 꼭.. 저렇게 살아야(공부해야)하나? 하는생각이 많이들었지만!

무엇이 잘사는것인지 저본인도 잘모르는데 다른길을 가르쳐줄수는 없고... 우리가 볼수있는 우리만의 세상안에서 열심히 공부해서 좋은학교 가는것이 잘사는것이라고 생각하며 살아가고 있는것 같습니다.

스탠포드 합격소식에 그동안 길고 힘들었든 지난 시간들이 아침 이슬이 따스한 햇살에 사라지듯 모두다 사라졌지요.

사실은 큰 기대는 하지않았어요, 혹시 운 이랄까 복권 맞는 마음도 조금은 있었지요.

AM Consulting 의 지나김씨를 알게되어 고맙고 감사한 마음 어떻게 표현을 해야할지... 그동안 엔드류가 대학을 가는 마음으로 함께 도와주심을 저희 모두 지나김, Jun Kim, Jay, 다른 모든 스태프진들께 다시 한번 감사드리며 앞으로 보다 많은 학생들이 AM Consulting 을 통하여 좋은 대학에 진학하기를 바랍니다.

로렌김, 엔드류맘

2015 년 4월 2일

Marcella Park, Harvard-Westlake School, Harvard University Early, Class of 2019
AM was a great help with finding summer programs to attend - and one of them ended up changing my life! This was even before I started worrying about college. And then when the time came to fill out those dreaded applications, I had no idea where to start, but AM Counselors really helped me brainstorm essay ideas and got me through the busiest weeks of the year, right up through my first deadlines, making me work hard on my essays so I'd feel really confident when I submitted them. AM Counselors were always available when I had questions and always gave me feedback. I also got a lot of helpful advice on filling out other sections of my applications, like extracurricular activity lists.

I. Kim, Stanford University, Yale Univ., Georgetown, UCB, UCLA...,
Heading into the college process is daunting, especially if done alone. That’s why I am so grateful to Admission Masters for guiding me through it since day 1. Without my first brainstorm session with Jenny, I wouldn’t have been able to write a personal statement that truly captured who I was, as a student and as an individual. And, of course without Jay, all of my supplements would have lacked the eloquence and intelligence that they needed. AM transformed my dreams into reality and I sincerely believe that it wouldn't have turned out the way it did if I didn't have AM's expertise and guidance. All the counselors are extremely kind and willing to help, whether it's at Open Sessions or for interview preparations. AM challenged me and also comforted me throughout this college journey. Coming out of it with acceptances in the bag and very pleased parents, I am so thankful for AM and overjoyed about my future.

Christine Park, Mother of M. Park, Harvard University Early, Class of 2019
I am thrilled that my daughter has been accepted to Harvard. We are extremely grateful to AM for making this happen by providing us with the resources and help. First of all, the counselors provided invaluable suggestions as to how we can strengthen my daughter's application early on so that we had time to do something about it. For example, one of the counselor pointed out that my daughter had ample volunteer activities but needed to strengthen her leadership skills by engaging in more leadership roles. We also received help with summer program ideas. Lastly, the last minute help with the essay brainstorming was invaluable. Thanks to all the staff at AM.

Dorothy Chang, Arcadia High School, UPenn Early, Class of 2019
I'm really grateful to have had AM's help throughout this whole process, thank you so much!

Going into the college application process, I didn’t really know what to expect or even where to begin. Admission Masters gave me a sense of security by guiding me along every step, from finding summer programs (I got to work with Google Glass!) to brainstorming for essays. All the AM counselors were a tremendous help, and were always available to answer questions and provide advice. Last June, I didn’t even know what major I would be putting down on my applications. Through AM, I learned more about myself than I would have thought possible, and I was able to find a path that suited me. I’m incredibly grateful that I found AM, because I wouldn't have been able to come this far otherwise.

Thank you!


William Chang, Father of Dorothy Chang, UPenn Early, Class of 2019

Mother of Deborah R. Dartmouth College, Class of 2019
모든 사립대학이 총 비용이 일년에 $70,000불 가까이 되기 때문에 우리애는주립대학에보내야겠다는 생각 만 하고 있었을 때 친구의 권유로 ADMISSION MASTERS 세미나에참석하게 되었습니다. 소득이 많지 않아도 사립에 갈 수있다는 정보를 얻게 되여, 일대일 상담을 신청했고, 내 자녀도 주립의 비용으로 사립에 보낼 수 있다는 희망을 갖게 되며 ADMISSION MASTER 컨설팅을 시작하게 되였습니다. 각 분야별로 전문적인 카운셀러들의 팀웍을 통하여 컨설팅을 받았고 그 결과, 마침내 많은 명문 사립대학에 합격해 참으로 큰 기쁨을 누리게 되였습니다, 생각지도 못했던 놀라운일이 일어났습니다.드디어 꿈에 그리던 아이비리그 대학에 가게 되였습니다 ADMISSION MASTER를 만나지 못했다면 아마 이루지 못 할 일이지요.

지나 원장님과 제이선생님 그리고 각분야의 전문 선생님들께 진심으로 감사합니다.

Daniel Chung, Cypress HS, UPenn 2018
Admissions Masters is definitely true to its name and purpose; the intelligent, kind counselors here have not only guided me through the college application process, but have also taught me what I can do and SHOULD do to pursue my goals and passions. I was just a typical student with a big dream, but Admissions Masters made that untouchable dream into a reality. They don't simply "help"; they teach life lessons, pull the hidden talents out of every student, and find fulfilling opportunities catering to each student's abilities and interests. Confidence and intellect are just a few of the many qualities I've gained here. I cannot thank them enough for those long, productive hours of brainstorming, critiques, as well as bonding. My admission to this amazing school cannot be credited to just my own abilities; Admission Masters gave me the extra pushes I needed to win over those academic obstacles, and I proudly acknowledge that they have truly opened endless prospects for me to pursue as I move on to college.

Annie Hwang, Northwood High School, Harvard University, Class of 2018
Admission Masters is more than just a college consulting group. It's a starting point -- a starting point to a motivated, guided, and exciting high school career. Admission Masters provides opportunities and eye-opening experiences for students to engage themselves in both academic and extracurricular activities. These numerous opportunities motivated me to try harder in my studies as well as to work more diligently on personal projects to create my resume. After joining Admission Masters, I always had a sense of security with all the counselors available for any questions that I had. Admission Masters is perfect for students who feel unsure, confused, or worried about the whole college admission process.

Mother of Ashley Ahn, Campbell Hall High School, Claremont McKenna, Class of 2018
저와 남편은 미국에서 고등학교,대학교를 나오지 않았기때문에 아이가 10 학년에 되니 불안해지기 시작했습니다. 한시간반 거리를 달려가 참석한 칼리지페어에서 얻은 큰 수확은 AM 을 알게된 것입니다. 며칠후 첫 상담을 하고 아이의 반응은 ‘AM 의 도움을 받고싶다’, 였습니다. AM 은 주기적으로 GPA, 과외활동, 썸머캠프, SAT 준비 등을 체크해주었고, 12 학년에는 대입에 관련된 많은것을 도와주었습니다. ‘너는 커서 무엇을 하고싶으냐’, 에 대해 전혀 답을 못하다가, 카운셀러와의 1:1 브레인스토밍과 과외활동의 개발등을 통해 아이의 특기와 장점이 눈에 보이게 되었습니다. 2 년여 기간동안 총괄적으로 신경써준 AM 의 카운셀러들에게 진심으로 고맙게 생각합니다.
애슐리 엄마

Aaron Joo, Loyola High School, United States Naval Academy, Class of 2018
Admission Masters: the name says it all. All of the kindhearted, knowledgeable counselors from this very institution have left a deep impact on my high school career by providing me with the motivation, information, and dedication that personally catered to my educational needs. Counselors Jean, Jun, and Punit were particularly helpful in proofreading a number of my college essays during college application season and were readily available, despite their busy schedules, to address any questions or concerns I had with my college applications. Thank you to all the Admission Masters staff, especially Director Jina and Counselor Jay, for looking out for me and for guiding me throughout the application process!

Dohee Jessica Kim, Troy High School, UPenn, Class of 2018
Let me just say that the Admission Masters is not just a college counseling institute. Their offices have become my second home. And their staff members have become individuals who are not only just counselors but also part family. No other college counseling institute would provide the same support and aid that Admission Masters did. Admission Masters has given me a new perspective on life and my future for what there is to come. While guiding me to unlock the door to my ultimate dream school, Admission Masters has provided me with the most intricate resources. From all of the one-on-one video chats to keep me in check to editing and reediting my Personal Statement around six or seven times, Admission Masters is hands down the best counseling institute. No exaggeration included, but joining the Admission Masters family is one of the best decisions I have ever made throughout my high school career.

K.Y., UPenn, Class of 2018
This isn't what I have expected. Having just come to the U.S. for three years, I've never dreamed of being accepted to one of the top universities in the country. I can't stress enough how helpful were Admission Masters and the service it provided, including the essay brainstorming, resume building, interview sessions, and much more. I also can't described in words how much thankful I am to have met the Admission Masters. Without you guys, I wouldn't have been where I am now. Every counselor has been really patient, really nice to work with, and always there to help me out when I have any question regarding colleges. Admission Masters, thank you so much!

But one more thing, can you help me add this line to it?

Huge thanks especially to Counselor Jenny, Punit, Jay, Michelle Wang, Jean, Jun and every counselor who had helped me all along! You guys are awesome!

Joon Hee Lee, Arnold O. Beckman HS, Caltech, Class of 2018
would like to thank Admission Masters for making the college application process much easier than it could have been. Before senior year, I honestly had no idea what I would write about in my essays without picking a trite topic, but Counselor Jay helped me identify my unique qualities and bring out my creativity. I also want to thank Counselor Punkaj, Punit, Jun, and Jean for always being available to answer any questions I have about the application process, even during weekends. With these knowledgeable counselors behind my back, I no longer had the insecurities about college that I had since freshman year. Thank you Admission Masters for all you have done for me!

Sang Wook Bae, Apple Valley High School, West Point, Class of 2018
Great and life changing news hit my life today. I got accepted into West Point! Yes the United States Military Academy. All this would not of been possible without the help of Admission Masters and its amazing staff. So I would like to thank you all for helping my dream become a reality! I remember the skepticism I had before my first Admission Master's meeting. I thought it would be just like a weekend SAT Tutoring Service, something that moms force you into and ultimately ends up a bitter use of time. Now that I look back, my initial expectations couldn't have been more wrong. Admission Masters turned out to be one of the best decisions I made in my life. What sets Admission Master's Counselors apart is that that they view you as more than a client. They view you as an individual and value your unique qualities. This is evident in the way they spend hours interacting with you to craft a college plan that fits your strengths and potential. Without Admission Masters unbeatable expertise and care, I would not be in the position I am in today and I can't thank them enough.

Elliot Choi, Irvine High School, University of Chicago, Class of 2018
Admission Masters has given me the tools needed to make my dreams a reality. Not only do they have the resources and information to help you get to your dream schools, but they also have dedicated counselors and mentors who are willing to help you through the application process and guide you into becoming a better leader and student. Their creative brainstorming meetings, constant feedback, and unlimited resources really helped me to be successful with college applications. They were able to unlock my hidden talents, polish them, and really make them shine through in my essays and college application. Thanks to the Admission Masters, I was able to achieve my dreams and pursue it.

Woojin Park, Harvard University, Class of 2017
Attending Admission Masters was one of the best choices I’ve made in the first eighteen years of my life. Admission Masters’ amazing set of counselors helped me brainstorm for my essays and guided me through the application process. As a South Korean immigrant that came over to the United States a measly eight years ago, I could only dream of attending one of the greatest Universities in the world. Thanks to Admission Masters, I managed to polish my application to perfection and received the rare opportunity of attending Harvard University. Thank you, Counselors!

Sally Na, Harvard University Early Accepted Class of 2017
Admission Masters has helped me realize that no matter how high your goal is, nothing is impossible to reach if you believe and work for it. Throughout this rough process, in which I prepared for college and began to shape my career, the amazing group of counselors at Admission Masters helped me complete and polish my application, as I brainstormed for my essays and perfected my resume. They reminded me to stay diligent and hardworking in this tough, chaotic time, and gave me the inspiration and knowledge that enabled me to further reach towards my ultimate goal.

Jae Hyun Kwon, University HS, Columbia University Early Decision, MIT, Caltech Early
Admission Masters = Ktown to Posh Ivy League. With Admission Masters counselors, you won't miss your chance to get into your dream school. They profile your strength and weakness to match the best schools to shoot for, and help you to write best essays for each school. In my case, I did not even dream about applying Ivy League, as a former ELD student. However, counselor Jay's decision was some what different. He recommended "aiming high" strategy for me. I was so suspicious about this strategy until December 6, when I got my acceptance letter. It is such a lucky gift that I met counselor Jay, who are willing to give out college information, provide the best strategy, and help on essays. I again thank so much to Jay, and feel lucky to meet a person like him :)

Hyun Min Kim, Caltech Class of 2017
Admissions Masters provides everything necessary to both vitalize and package a student's work into a finalized college application. With clarity in instruction, immediate feedback, supportive counselors, and its vast pool of resources and connections, AM not only eliminates stress and makes the college application process much more manageable, but also revitalizes the student's application into a fresh, unique, and impactful package. From start to finish, with continuous support and reminders, AM takes the initiative and provides step by step instructions for each and every step of the process. The impact Admissions Masters has on the student's application clearly demonstrates it is unrivaled in its field.

Ryan Park, University HS, Carnegie Mellon University Early Decision
Admission Masters is truly one of the best investments I have ever made during the course of my high school career. The fall of my senior year was terrifying and intimidating but as soon as I met Jay, I knew I was in good hands. My anticipated stress and anxiety were immensely mitigated by the guidance of counselors who kept me in track through the whole college application process. I did not have to suffer through the crisis of being at a loss, which many of my fellow seniors had to go through. Counselor Jay is the most amazing guidance counselor a senior could ask for. He endorses carrot-and-stick approach to motivate the seniors to aim high and accomplish more than they could ever imagine. One sincere advice I would give to any incoming freshmen, sophomores, and juniors would be to be part of the Admission Masters family. College application is definitely one of the most stressful experiences I’ve been through, and I know I would not have done so well without the support and help from Admission Masters.

Sally Choi, Georgetown University Early Action
Admission Masters was the single most valuable resource throughout my college application process. The counselors provided holistic guidance from brainstorming personal statement topics to polishing my final draft. Counselors Jay and Jina, in particular, provided insights and feedback that served as critical building blocks to my application. I am confident that I would not have had as many incredible options as I did without their support and guidance. I cannot recommend Admission Masters enough for students who are driven and ambitious.

Min W. Park, Harvard Early Action
Everyone at Admission Masters was wholeheartedly dedicated to supporting me from the moment I walked in. Jay, Jenny and Pankaj all provided the best of reassurance and encouragement throughout the entire admissions process, taking the time to answer every one of my many questions. In fact, because of their inviting personalities, the process was filled with more laughs than I ever could have imagined. Thank you all for being so invested in helping me achieve my goals!

K.H. Ahn, Hotchkiss Freshmen Class of 2013
When I decided to apply for boarding school, I felt comfortable working with the counselors at Admissions Masters because I already had a wonderful relationship with everyone there. The counselors ended up giving me a lot of good advice and even traveled to the east coast with me on a boarding school tour. The entire time I was preparing to apply to various schools, I was supported every step of the way and was taught how to let all of my merits shine in the best light possible. This spring, I get to finish my 8th grade year with my friends while looking forward to a new life next fall at a school that truly fits with who I am and want to become.

Kevin Kim, Northwood HS, SAT I Score 2350
I have got to admit, counselor Jay is one of the coolest dudes I have ever met in my life, but when it comes to the SAT – it's down to serious business. With pinpoint-focused training in specific areas I needed help on, Jay not only prepared me mentally through the dozens of problems we handled every class, but also emotionally by instilling a sense of determination to improve my score. He is extremely helpful, and as long as you work hard and follow his methodologies, he is willing to run the extra mile with you for that rapid short-term score boost. But most importantly, he captivates your attention with his concise but profound lectures, keeping you actively engaged and participating for the entire session. I definitely believe Jay can unlock the potential for anyone's dream score. I would recommend the Admission Masters Team and Counselor Jay's SAT instruction without hesitation. Thanks for everything Jay!

Woojin Park, SAT I Score 2370
Out of all the SAT programs I’ve attended in my high school years, the one run by Admission Masters is the most efficient and effective. Not only do the counselors there help you improve your score immensely and reach your goal, but they also do it in a short amount of time. Instead of using the traditional SAT afterschool method in which students take past SAT tests over and over again, Admission Masters pinpointed out my weaknesses in individual sections so that I could focus on getting rid of those weaknesses. Just with a couple of two-hour classes, Counselor Jay from Admission Masters helped me improve my scores by an enormous amount. I could finally get the perfect scores of 800 on both Critical Reading and Mathematics, and I was extremely happy with my score. Thank you, Jay!+

Wenxi Lin, Transfer to UCLA from UCI
Dear Admission Masters, I really want to express my sincere gratitude to Admission Masters for everything this year during the transfer admissions process. Admission Masters educational consulting group is extremely professional and it is a fantastic team with many great knowledgeable counselors and responsible staffs. Admission Masters provides high quality and well-oriented counseling services. I especially want to thank the counselor Jay for his great help and encouragement throughout the year. Last spring I had the first counseling meeting with Jay, and Jay provided the specific plans to help me to get an early start, including choosing courses and participating extracurricular activities. After the meeting, I was motivated and had a clear goal for applying transfer. Thank you for being really patient and responsible all the time. I really appreciate how you provide great suggestions whenever I have questions. Even though sometimes I have some last minutes questions, you always reply as soon as possible. Thank you very much for spending so much time to help me with the essays. I really appreciate all of your effort, time, and dedication. Admission Masters is an amazing educational counseling group that helps student’s dream come true. I just got accepted to UC Berkley, UCLA, and UC San Diego, and I really want to thank you for making my dream become a reality. Again, thank you so much for all of the support, guidance, and advice you have given.

Best regard,


David Kim, West Point: U.S. Military Academy
The prospect of applying to ten plus schools and realizing that the school I would end up in would have a huge impact on my future terrified me. I had no idea where to start, who to talk to, and what all the confusing words on the applications meant. The teachers at Admission Masters pretty much calmed me down and explained everything to me in the simplest terms possible, breaking down my application process, and helped me create an application that would clearly reflect who I was. We had a great time in the process, and I still speak to them today as people I admire and respect in every way.

Jessica Lee, HGM-North Hollywood, Stanford University
Honestly, I am not a great writer, so from the beginning I was worried about the numerous college essays I had to write. Admission Masters was very thoughtful, helping me in each and every step of the college admission process. From brainstorming to editing the essays, Admission Masters knew exactly how to bring out my positive aspects. They were never roundabout in their help - whenever they did not like my writing, they were always straightforward about telling me so, which motivated me even further to think deeper to show who I truly am and to illuminate my qualities and passions in the best way possible. They emphasized time management, an important issue with high school seniors, and scheduled due dates for essay drafts, which I then discussed with the counselors, so that I wouldn't fall behind and scramble at the last minute. All of the counselors were always friendly and easily accessible. I never had a dream school, but Admission Masters' interactive consultations led me to strive for one of the top colleges, and my parents and I thank them deeply for my early acceptance into Stanford University.

그동안 정말 감사했습니다.

Suk Rae Lee, Sunny Hills HS, Cornell University
If I had to sum up my time at Admission Masters through the college application process in one word, it would just be indescribable. I know that I'm taking the easy way out when I use that word, but simply put,

Admission Masters has been with me with every step that I took towards my acceptance at Cornell. As a valedictorian from Sunny Hills, I knew that I had the raw grade and test scores but still lacked the refinement in my application. Admission Masters has been a true ally in sharpening my application starting from essays to tiny details that I might have missed otherwise. Furthermore, the staff at Admission Masters is VERY helpful, willing to stay past their supposed work time or personal time to help out each student for his or her own need. My experience at Admission Masters has been phenomenal and I readily recommend Admission Masters to all students looking for that edge in college applications.

Juan Chung, Northhollywood High School, UC Berkeley '16
At first, I certainly viewed college applications as a tenacious wolf awaiting to hunt me down. Obviously I was the lost and timid sheep searching for the greenest pastures. Though I approached unknown grounds to ultimately find refuge, countless differing roads lay ahead and I simply could not take my first step because of many insecurities. Time only counted as the most intimidating factor, for the deadline seemed to creep up on me. Luckily, I discovered Admissions Masters- my shepherds. With their knowledgeable insights, the counselors guided me through shortcuts for my success. In the end my renewed application became the original and eye popping demonstration I wished to formulate. The grueling application process no longer appeared to me as a blood thirsty wolf but instead diminished into a harmless lamb. Thanks to AM I will begin my next step in life at a wonderful university- Cal, my greener pasture.

N. Wu, UC Berkeley
Being from a competitive high school, I was intimidated during the college application process because I assumed I had no chance competing with my numerous academically superior peers when applying to the top schools. I did not know where, when, or how to start, and I was fearful of not being able to make it into any of the top colleges. Fortunately, after searching blindly and desperately for help that did not come to me, I came across Admission Masters. Pankaj and Jay were my saviors; they taught me unique ways to strengthen my application and add flavor to my personal essays. Yet they did not only make my college application process easier; they also improved me personally by restoring my self-

confidence and giving me great tips on success in my future college, career, and life overall. I am proud to state that I am now a Regent's Scholar at UC Berkeley, and it is only right for me to say that I would not have been so successful without Admission Masters. If you are currently in the college application process and you are searching for something or someone to make you a strong applicant, look no further...Admission Masters is the best way to go!

Christine Kim, USC Pharmacy School
HELLO PANKAJ!!! AHH !!! GOOOOD NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just received the USC Acceptance email today!!!!!! So speechless, I've been just sitting here not working and re-reading the email over and over again.

I'm SO THRILLED to start school and be part of USC School of PHarmacy!!!!!

Thank you SO much for assisting me throughout the application process. (It was an incredible horrible ordeal)

I am SO grateful for your time spent on perfecting my essays and application!!!!!!

AHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-from the future pharmacist ^^*, Christine

S. J. Kim, Harvard University
Writing a college essay and organizing all of the tasks and deadlines for college on my own seemed like an extremely daunting task. Fortunately, everyone at the Admission Masters helped guide me through the entire admissions process, and for that, I am truly grateful. The counselors at AM helped me to set my goals and do everything I could to attain them, and I couldn't have made it into my dream school without their support and encouragement. Thank you for making my dreams become reality. I could not have put myself into better hands!

Sarah Woo (SAT Perfect Score:2400)
Admission Masters has hands-down the best SAT program in that they help you raise your score to your target score in such a short amount of time. They helped me immensely with just one-hour classes, more so than other academies that have six-hour classes, because they pinpointed my exact weaknesses and focused just on those in order to boost up my score. Not only did they help me raise my score, all of the counselors were incredibly supportive and helped me gain the confidence I needed in order to succeed. Even though many times I was frustrated because my score remained constant instead of improving, working with Admission Masters definitely paid off and helped me achieve beyond my target score. There is no way I could have gotten a perfect score without Admission Masters and I cannot thank them enough for all their help!

Janie Lee, Troy High School, Princeton University
"Admission Masters' consulting services have helped me get into the colleges of my dreams, including Princeton, Stanford, Cornell, and Johns Hopkins. With effective communication, approachable and easy-to-access counselors, and regularly scheduled meetings, I was able to prepare my application with careful consideration. Due to P&J's attention to detail and many revisions, I believe my application represented me as a unique and qualified applicant in the tough application pool.

In addition, the counselors have made my college application process an enjoyable one. There were countless times I wasn't sure what to write about or how to express my thoughts onto paper. Through late nights and many interesting conversations with the counselors, I was able to write an essay that I felt represented me accurately and effectively. The unique experiences of each of the counselors have provided different insight and perspectives that have helped me gain a better, wholesome understanding of essays, colleges, and the application process in general. They have not only provided me with facts and guidance, but they have also served as mentors that I will continually keep in touch with throughout my college experience."

Steph L., Harvard University
I have visited many different college-consulting companies throughout my high school career, and I can confidently say that The Admission Masters is by far the most professional, exceptional, and client-oriented admissions consulting company that I have ever experienced!

Annie Rhee, Troy HS, Johns Hopkins University Admission Masters runs one of the best college counseling services I've seen. All of the counselors are personable and knowledgeable in college admissions, and pay attention to bringing out the best of your personality and uniqueness on paper. They helped so much in dispelling much of the admissions mystique and confusion, which I could not have done alone. I never would have expected to have such wonderful college results a year ago. Thanks to Admission Masters, I was not only able to get into Johns Hopkins, the college of my dreams, but be accepted into the Wilson Research Fellowship Program! I'm so thrilled with everything, and feel fortunate to have had Admission Masters guide me through the process. Thank you! Punky, you rock! :) GO BLUE JAYS!

Stephanie Cho, Crescenta Valley High School
I'm glad I have the Admission Masters to help me out with my SAT and my college applications! Even though I attended many SAT boot camps, none of them raised my score. The Admission Masters, on the hand, helped me not only improve, but also understand my mistakes through its one-on-one teaching style. The teacher knew what he was doing and taught me techniques to answer each question I got wrong. I am happy to have been taught by Admission Masters and relieved to know that it will help me on my college applications too!

Stella C. Princeton University
I thank The Admission Masters for helping me get into all of the Ivy Leagues! I would not have been able to go through the arduous college application process if it wasn’t for my counselor and The Admission Masters staff. I have heard that people make “good decisions” in their lifetime, but I have made the BEST decision by joining The Admission Masters. My counselor was extremely friendly and willing to help me in every way possible! She was brilliant and personable. The Admission Masters was a delight to work with; they are professional, helpful, and all around perfect! Thanks again, Admission Masters!!

Eun Go, Troy HS, Harvey Mudd
Joining the Admission Masters was certainly the best decision I made for my college applications and my future. I knocked on their doors with considerable doubt and anxiety, but counselors at Admission Masters gave me the confidence and motivation I needed to make my dream become real. I truly felt home around the friendly, open-minded staff members who were fully committed to answering my questions, seeking out all possible options, and helping me express myself in the best light on applications and essays. If you have any questions or concerns regarding college applications and your future, don’t hesitate to ask Admission Masters for help. Its counselors are always willing to help you out as mentors and close friends, and their cooperation will definitely boost the chance of acceptance to the schools of your choice.

Andrew W. Nam, Claremont High Shcool, Claremont College
As a recent immigrant to America, I had difficulties comprehending the confusing and tricky college application process. I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to sign up with the Admission Masters team because the knowledgeable, experienced counselors were able to thoroughly explain the process to me and guide me with a hands-on approach each step of the way. Admission Masters’ counselors not only successfully sailed me throughout the application process, but also encouraged creativity, enhancing my uniqueness through personalized essays and applications from my own distinct perspective. I was able to achieve a custom-tailored approach on how to best prepare my college applications to stand out by learning from my counselor the subtle tricks and exclusive approaches that I would never have considered alone. I was offered a full-scholarship admission to one of my top choices, and still hearing back from others. Thank you, Admission Masters!

Hojeanie Chung, CVHS, DUKE
Dear Jenny Counselor, Thank you for helping me so much with the college application and paying close attention to details even though you have a lot on your shoulders. Thank you for the detail you watch with me. I couldn't have done it without you.

Rachel K., Torrance High School, UC Berkeley
"Getting into UC Berkeley was my dream, but it was also something I never thought would be possible because of my grades. With the help of Jenny, I was able to find other strengths of mine that I could present to schools to show them my true potential--and it worked! This would have never been possible without Admission Masters, and I'm so grateful to have had such knowledgeable people help me through the admissions process."

K.H, Yale University
YO YO YOOOO punky! OMG! I can’t believe it but I GOT INTO HARVARD TOO! First Yale, now Harvard! When I met you, I never thought I would be struggling with the decision of Harvard versus Yale. This is a dream come true! i just wanted to thank you so much for everything you helped me out on...i'm so happy and i couldn't have done it without you. most of all THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME AT MY FREAKOUT MOMENTS. you always kept me focused, pointed me in the right direction and helped me to realize my dreams. Like my mom always says, you made it possible and I could not have done it without you. I’m not quite sure where I’ll end up yet but THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You are DA BOM (THE BEST)!


Jinny Yi, Sonora HS, UC Berkeley
"I want to thank you for all the great and hard work you've done for me. As a result, I got into UC Berkeley, and I will be going there next year. I really appreciate your help and care. Without you, I could have not come this far. Thank you so much!"

Daniel Eo, Troy HS West Point (U.S. Military Academy)
Want to have a fun and productive summer? Go to P&J Admission Masters! The SAT program at P&J Admission Masters is a great opportunity to meet new friends in a relaxed but studious environment and increase your score exponentially. I improved every week and increased my score by more than 300 points thanks to P&J Admission Masters! GO ARMY!

Andrew Kim, Northwestern Univ.
Admission Masters is a place that is gifted with dedicated teachers that have tremendous knowledge in English/Literature, Writing techniques, and Mathematical excellence. Attending the Academy has rewarded me, not only with improvements in my SAT scores and other standardized tests, but also with an overall understanding of academic excellence, work ethic, and personal motivation to succeed in life.

Esther Yi, Diamond Bar HS, UCLA
The Admission Masters made my dream into a reality! Whether it was the tough college essays or polishing my applications or practicing for college interviews, my counselors helped me with the college applications process even down to the small details!

Bon Jin Ku, CVHS, UCBerkeley
"The Admission Masters helped me make the college application experience as smooth as possible. Visualizing my goals was not difficult, and great counselors make writing essays actually kind of fun. Most importantly, the counselors here help you realize that your own actions shape you as person, not the college you're aiming for."

Minsang K., Pitzer College
"When I first started to write college essays, I seriously did not know what to do or where to start. The Admission Masters helped me understand the prompts thoroughly and even took the time to brainstorm each essay with me individually. When I wrote the basic essays myself, my counselor, Jenny, went over my essays with me and turned them into my 'future'. She helped me with housing decisions and other college 'how-tos' even after the acceptance letters came. I couldn't have done it without The Admission Masters! Thank you so much, I am forever grateful!!!!"

Christy K., UCLA
Jenny, I couldn't have gone through the extremely stressful college application process without your help; you were always there to help me not only with my college application, but with interviews and scholarship essays. I am so thankful to have had such a helpful and knowledgeable person guide me in the application process. I am so lucky that you got to be my counselor and my mentor for college. Thank you so much, Jenny!

Alex Lim, Walnut High School, UCLA
Admission Masters was excellent. Their experience with the application process helped me focus on key points to get my acceptance. It was professional and being able to contact the advisor at any time made it very beneficial. I was able to ask for help writing an essay at home.

Ga Nah Park, Northwood HGM, Washington University of St. Louis
Joining ‘Admission Masters’ was undoubtedly the best idea I've had in a while. From the moment I saw the paper on the walls, I knew that this was a place that took itself to extraordinary lengths helping it's students; I never had to do anything but ask, and I received everything I could have imagined and more. The team chemistry, open friendliness, and inside knowledge every one in the staff possessed was incredible and palpable; it was only because they became more than just acquaintances, into mentors, that my application bloomed to life and bore fruit for me. If you feel inadequate in any way or in need of help with your application, apply to 'Admission Masters'. They absolutely won't let you down and will be a major factor into getting in the college of your choice.

Janet Kim, Cate School, Georgetown University
I must say that I received an enormous amount of support from Admission Masters. The program encouraged me to take the whole college process not as something to stress out but something to look back at my life and ponder... Pankaj was not only good at improving my applications but also gave me good lifetime advices. Thank you very much!

Justin C., Tory HS, USC
The counselors at Admissions Masters, were very knowledgeable and they have the admissions process and preparation streamlined and down to a science. Had it not been for the expert staff at AM, I would not have had the confidence and ease of mind I had during the long and grueling process

Koonal B., Mt.SAC, Cornell University
"After spending a year at Mt.San Antonio College I knew I had bigger dreams. The college counselors at Admission Masters were able to find my hidden talent and allowed me to market my abilities for admissions into an Ivy League University. It was always a goal of mine to get top notch education that would lead to top notch employment opportunities. I owe Admission Masters counselors a great debt of gratitude for helping me to find my inner strength and confidence to succeed in the Ivy Leagues."

Stephanie Lee, Harvard University
"Counselors at Admission Masters quickly helped me to identify my essay writing weaknesses and allowed me to gain confidence in my own writing ability to become a more polished writer. I was able to convey my thoughts and ideas in a concise manner ultimately helping me immensely during the college admissions process! I can directly relate my university and college acceptance letters to the personal statements I wrote for the colleges I applied to and I am forever grateful to my mentors at Admission Masters for the skills they have instilled in me,"

Daniel C., University of California Berkeley
"Admission Masters (AM) was such a great help to me because they expedited the time I had to spend on my college applications. I didn’t know where and how to start anything but during the summer, I learned about AM. From then on everything just flew by like it was nothing. They thoroughly looked over my high school resume, helped me choose the best colleges for my major, helped me write exceptional college essays, kept me on track with all the deadlines, and ultimately got me into my dream colleges. I’m glad I found AM and had the opportunity to work closely with AM's counselors who gave me my future."

Paul K., Columbia University
"Trying to figure out where I wanted to go for the most important four years of my life in a short amount of time was a daunting task. Being that I have no older siblings or parents who have gone to American institutions for their undergraduate studies, I was very much in the dark with regards to the inner-workings of the college admissions processes. Admission Masters greatly optimized the effectiveness of my application packages. Thanks to Admission Masters, I am very happy that I got into my first choice college."

Jun K. UC San Diego
Admission Masters was the bridge that connected my high school career to my college career. Not only did the academy's teachers reward me with an improvement in my SAT and other standardized test scores, but also taught me the skills and tips that helped me succeed in college. The teachers at Admission Masters are proficient at delivering their knowledge to the students in a productive yet comprehensible manner, which allowed me to quickly improve my scores. As I finished my first year at college, I saw that Admission Masters proved to be the place that allowed my smooth transition into my future.

J. Lee - Princeton University
Admission Masters' consulting services have helped me get into the colleges of my dreams, including Princeton, Stanford, Cornell, and Johns Hopkins. With effective communication, approachable and easy-to-access counselors, and regularly scheduled meetings, I was able to prepare my application with careful consideration. Due to P&J's attention to detail and many revisions, I believe my application represented me as a unique and qualified applicant in the tough application pool.In addition, the counselors have made my college application process an enjoyable one. There were countless times I wasn't sure what to write about or how to express my thoughts onto paper. Through late nights and many interesting conversations with the counselors, I was able to write an essay that I felt represented me accurately and effectively. The unique experiences of each of the counselors have provided different insight and perspectives that have helped me gain a better, wholesome understanding of essays, colleges, and the application process in general. They have not only provided me with facts and guidance, but they have also served as mentors that I will continually keep in touch with throughout my college experience.

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